Thursday, 7 April 2011

Evaluation, Question 7: “Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?”

Overall, I think there has been a definite improvement from my preliminary task, the college magazine, to my final music magazine coursework. I feel I had much more confidence in using the creative suite software (InDesign and Photoshop) and was given more creative freedom in terms of the target audience and what I could do with the cover, contents and the inclusion of an double page article.

Comparison of covers

 My preliminary cover is very basic, as it was my first time using InDesign and wanted to keep things simple. The main image had very little manipulation in PS; there were only two modifications. The first main change was an adjustment the brightness to give it a slightly darker appearance; the second was simply erasing a wall decoration on the brick wall behind me in order to keep the background a solid 
brick wall. 

This is a big contrast to my music cover, which required a lot more work. Firstly, I had to render the image of the cover star (erasing the background), put a colour overlay onto the guitar in order to change it from orange to red (to match the general colour scheme of the magazine) and finally add a lighting effect behind. 

Another improvement was the masthead. On my college magazine cover I just used a basic font and did nothing else to modify. With my music magazine I became a bit more confident in using Photoshop and actually manipulated the text (the font was downloaded previously). Using the bevel filter on Photoshop I gave it a slightly raised, almost 3D appearance. I used the same filter and effect for the "Win!" button, which I made completely from scratch using the brush tool. 

The combination of this and the white border on the text, as well as the more professional looking font help to give my music magazine a more serious look, and show to some extent I have improved my photoshopping and image editing skills.

Comparison of contents pages

Again, the contents page of my college magazine is very basic, with little image manipulation and basic font used throughout. The background as well is just a two colour gradient (blue fading to white). With my music magazine contents page I was slightly more confident, and used a metal texture for the background. This was then editing in Photoshop, reducing the brightness so it didn’t clash with the images and text. I think this turned out well; it gives the magazine a gritty, urban feel and keeps within the general theme of “metal”.

The font is another change, moving from the basic fonts available to a more serious, fitting type which better suits my magazine. The initial layout of the contents page is a lot different as well, and from using researching online I decided to change the basic “list” approach from the college magazine and go for something more professional and interesting. The contents centers around one main splash image relating to the main feature of the issue, and a giant quote in order to direct the reader’s attention straight away. Because this is the thing readers care about the most, I didn’t feel other smaller pictures were necessary, and there was a space issue due to more features having to be listed.

I also included a footer for the first time, a common convention of regular publications I felt was necessary to include in order to create a more professional appearance.  

On the whole, I think it’s clear that there has been some definite improvement from the preliminary task to this music magazine. I have gained more confidence in using Photoshop, as shown by the wider range of effects used, and the difference in text and general layout of the pages. 

I feel I have a greater knowledge now as to what makes a successful magazine, and what features help to sell the publication. I am pleased with how my magazine turned out, and would rate it as a successful construction which would appeal to my target audience

Evaluation, Question 6: “What have you learn about technologies from the process of constructing this product?”

View more presentations from Luke Drake

Evaluation Question 4: “Who would be the audience for your media product?” Evaluation, Question 5: "How did you attract/address your audience?”

Friday, 1 April 2011

Evaluation, Question 3: "What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?"

I feel the media institution best suited for my magazine is Bauer Media.

About Bauer

Bauer Media is UK-based media group consisting of many companies directed around two main divisions – Magazines and Radio. It is widely recognised and rewarded as one of the top industry innovators.

As a division of Europe’s largest privately owned publishing group, it has an extremely strong reputation within the industry. Collectively, Bauer employs around 6,000 people in 2008 had a turnover of 2 billion Euros.


One of Bauer’s many strengths is its variety of magazines available. These range from:


They also have a large collection of titles aimed at niche markets, from fishing, motorcycling, golf and even horse riding.


Within Bauer’s music sector, there is Kerrang! Mojo and Q. This is why I think it would be the perfect publisher for me to use, as there is a noticeable absence of a true, pure metal magazine. Although Kerrang! Appeals to the same target audience as my magazine, Thunder, it isn’t entirely focused on metal. It’s a mixture of metal, screamo, rock, and punk. It has to reach a wider audience of music fans, but because of this some metal fans will feel they are missing out. With a target audience already established, it would be the perfect institution to implement my 100% metal focused magazine. It would reach out to metal fans, without taking away a large group of the Kerrang! Audience. 

Evaluation, Question 2: "How does your media product represent particular social groups?"

View more presentations from Luke Drake

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Friday, 7 January 2011

Music Magazine Proposal

My music magazine will be focused on heavy metal, and cover news, reviews of new albums and a special article in an interview format with a featured artist.
For the front cover, I will have the featured artist, ideally a medium close up. I will construct the picture with the idea that to either side of the featured artist there will be cover lines describing other features in the issue, so the artist in the cover will be positioned centrally leaving enough cover space.
Once you open the cover, the contents page will be a single column style, with one main picture relating to the front cover, and then a list format of all the other articles. 
The double page spread will be an interview with a member of an up and coming metal band (who will be featured on the cover) with a main picture and text over the top.

Basic flat plans

Audience Research into Music

From my audience research, the interests are varied. There is a strong presence of pop, and what would be considered “main stream”. Artists such as Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and  Rhianna are repeatedly named, but there are also more surprising choices from different genres such as Muse, Kings of Leon and Foo Fighters.
To summarise this, it would seem alternative rock and pop are the dominant interest currently, but this does change when looking at different age groups. In my questionnaire, every response from someone under the age of 16 would list a pop star of some description. When looking at older audiences, the classic rock genre becomes more prominent and surprisingly metal fits in as well.
 Overall, the younger generation’s knowledge of different genres seems to be well informed, and listen to a variety of genres. This makes marketing certain magazines difficult but also can open up more boundaries.

The questionnaire I used:
1. Gender? [Male] [Female]

2. Age? [15 or below] [16-19] [20-25] [25-30] [31+]

3. Do you buy mostly physical copies of music or download? [Buy] [Download]

4. What is your favourite genre of music? [Alternative/Rock] [Heavy Metal/Metal] [Pop] [Indie] [Rap/Hip Hop] [Dance] [Classical] [Drum n’ Bass] [Dubstep] Other____

5. Name your top artists/bands of this genre (3 max.)

6. Do you read music based magazines?

7. If so, can you name some of your favourites?

8. Are you currently subscribed to a music publication?

9. Does the content on the cover of a magazine influence your decision to buy?

Research into current state of music magazines

Music publication sales figures have dropped significantly over the last 3 years, with top names such as NME reporting they have dropped under the 50,000 mark.  Other big names such as Kerrang have also suffered, losing 32.1 per cent of its circulation year on year, down from 76,937 to 52,272. Overall, it’s the music weeklies which suffer the most as the entire sector falls 12% (as of February 2009).
Music magazines (percentage changes are year on year)
Q - 103,017 (-21.6%)
Mojo - 100,507 (-5.4%)
Uncut - 87,069 (-4.3%)
Classic Rock - 70,188 (4.1%)
Kerrang! - 52,272 (-32.1%)
Metal Hammer - 50,269 (9.7%)
New Musical Express - 48,459 (-24.3%)
Rock Sound - 20,011 (-13.1%)
BBC Music Magazine - 45,144 (-4.2%)
Classic FM - The Magazine - 35,751 (-13.7%)
Gramophone - 34,628 (-5.9%)
RWD - 77,050 (131.6%)
mixmag - 30,159 (-15.8%)
Terrorizer - 13,786 (-7.8%)
Word Magazine - 34,280 (3.2%)
Rhythm - 9,472 (-4.5%)
Total Guitar - 42,171 (-13.4%)
Guitarist - 31,917 (8.5%)
Guitar Techniques - 22,387 (7.0%)
The Guitar Magazine - 11,994 (3.0%)
Future Music - 10,860 (11.0%)

(As of February 2009)

There have been some rises in sales (for example Metal Hammer, with an average circulation of 50,269). But it’s the drop in numbers which attract the most attention, especially with such prestigious names falling so dramatically. There are many reasons for this, but one of the biggest factors is the internet, where music news and everything in these magazines is available within seconds, and more importantly, free. It’s much easier and with the rising prices of these publications it makes sense.